Monday, August 1, 2011

Shopaholic, Workaholic, Hard to find the right middle...

You´ve all been seeing this movie, right?
If you haven´t, then, shame on you!
Only by reading the title of the movie... you guessed the topic I´m about to talk.
Actually, I think that buying so much clothes every day and never get enough of it is not an illness... It isn´t a good thing though! But I believe that every people that can´t get enough of it are people that are missing something.. or someone.
And in stardoll, I personally love buying clothes.

But I didn´t want to talk about the movie... nor the fact of buying a lot of clothes... in real life... or in stardoll...

Think about having 4 jobs! It isn´t possible, right? Well, in the blogger world what´s the equality of having 4 jobs in real life? Isn´t that a good question?
We are bloggers... and how many projects are we working on??? Looking at all the Blogger Profiles of the TTT writers, we´re all working for at least 5 projects!
In the real life it´s already impossible to imagine to have several jobs... meaning more than 1. So you can´t think about working for... concurence! But in stardoll it is kinda easy... 
TTT is a fashion and modeling blog. In the Blogger world of Dollywood there are only few kinds of blogs  : Fashion blogs, Stardoll News blogs, Lifestyle blogs, Magazine, Fashion Lines, Graphic Blogs, Portofolios or Gossip Blogs.
Then... I won´t talk about anyone specificly... but it means that if we don´t want to work for concurrence, then we can only work for 8 blogs... The thing that I am saying, is that a lot of people work for more than 8 blogs and even if I am wrong with all that thing...8 blogs is already a lot!!!
Maybe not a lot of people knows that... but would you accept to work for 3 Fashion Blogs? It needs a lot of organization! You´re only one person, so you can´t think about 3 different fashion posts every day, right? 
And how would you choose the one you´ll write for? Do I need to remember you that you accepted to work for all of them?
There was some days... at the end of my school year, because of the holidays, that I decided to make a lot of projects... I changed my blog twice... and now it´s a company. But I really realised how much finding a right middle is important.

And instead of telling me what you think about my post... or the way I write (which is really horrible) or the way I talk about things...
Tell me what you think about this topic.
How would you do to find the right middle?
What do you think about working for so much projects?
As a owner or writer of a blog you rather prefere to be prolific or make posts with quality?



  1. I blog after this quotation; Quality, not quantity.

  2. advice to all: confessions of a shopaholic is a shit movie. if you want brilliance, read the original books. they're amazing.

