Friday, November 11, 2011

Jesus is the New Black!

**I am Mugler Woman, Don't f*ck with me! **
** I am Mugler, I am quiet, I am strong. **
** Do not anger Mugler Woman, **
** She'll eat you! **

Here's another Fashion Video that I love, starring GaGa for Mugler.
And for TTT, I decided to remind you some information about GaGa and Mugler:

Nicolas Formichetti is the GaGa's personal stylist since 2009. Since one year, Nicolas has been hired to be the Creative Director of MUGLER House, and so he asked GaGa to be the Music Director of it... Then, at the F/W 2011-2012 Fashion Week, GaGa was there, walking on the runway while Born This Way and Government Hooker were the songs of the night. For the last Fashion Week (S/S 2012), GaGa wasn't there but she left a video...

So, what do you think of it?

If you have a video that you'd like to share, give me the link in the comment section of this post, and I'll put in my next post. :)



  1. Wonderful!
    I love the video!

  2. stop posting about lady gaga gay fag lady gaga is just a fad wait till your over her and that video is fucking old get a life

  3. Oi gente visitem meu blog participem da competiçao e seguam ele e um maximo e comente nas postagens ele se chama ; e minha doll e a manu.gavassi.9

  4. It is really dramatic and strange but cool
