Monday, March 11, 2013

The Anonymous Fest

Perhaps you've read my previous post concerning the return of Memories of a Medoll? As an avid blogger, I'm constantly on the run; checking out new blogs, abandoned and forever forgotten blogs, plus those whom affiliate with the category, revival blogs.

Alas, Jenny, the final edition to the three "Queens of Lifestyle", has made her debut in the world of blogging. Jenny made a post within the past few days regarding her return to the socialite scene. Of course, with a new controversy returning to town, there's ought to be a handful of seemingly contagious anonymous'.

Honestly, I couldn't be more entertained by reading their comments. Expect more than enough swearing, bashfulness, and sincere hate. Continue reading if your ready to rid of whatever sense of childhood that still daunts you.

"25 year olds blogging about a website aimed at 12 year olds sponsored by Barbie. I can barely contain my excitement."
 "Same here!
Can't wait to see what interesting posts all the girls have in store for us. Go and put your stupid sarcasm up your fat ass bitch. Fuck you, fuck you in the arse. Fuck you in the arse with no lubricant.
 "Go change your underwear, it is wet bitch."
 "It's not my fault you are mentally confused dear.
Brave choice to diss an elite."
 "This blog is dead face it. Your immature behaviour with Aislin has messed up things.
And Jenny, how the hell can you blog with a pencil?"
 "Oh is it now you english teacher? Cuz I'm pretty sure that that usuing the image of a pencil does not convey Jenny's excitement in anyway whatsoever.
If anything, it suggests that she intends to type with a freakin' pencil."
 "@Jackbitch: You suck."
 "Yay a good writer. makes a change to Aislin's shitty posse."
"Yes no more of Aislin's shitty and welite writers! Hopefully this means that MDM will be the once and former blog it was before Aislin mindlessly raped it."
 "Anyway, are you excited at the fucking reunion? I fucking hate MDM now."
 "nobody was unfair with Aislin, all this dramas were faked to give some attention to all THESE BITCHEs :)
Aislin, Noelle, Isabella and all the cliqua are loughing lout out their fat booty behind their computers :)
 "Shut the fuck up you bitch. You know nothing about Jenny or Isabella or Noelle.
Go duck off this blog if you don't like it honey."

My favorite just had to be about the metaphoric pencil. Not only are these anonymous hateful, but being the brutally honest person I am, are simply put, stupid. That in mind, I'm not going to even mention how many of those red squiggly lines are wasting my pixel space.

With that, you are coordinately invited to The Anonymous Feast.


    just news about Asley_doggett's bff.... ik i'm bored xD btw loooove anon comments xD

  2. Some people just love to be dramatic and basic.

  3. the 'GO GO BIG MAMAS RUN CHICKEN RUN!" comment should turn into an Oscar award winning film

  4. It's "Ashley_Doggett", Anonymous. Learn to fucking spell my username before you say anything aimed or meant towards me. It's annoying.

  5. The problem with stardoll blogs is that they failed to set out the rules from the beginning. Other similar game site forums would delete any comment that contains swearing, rude behaviour & any comment not related to the topic in question. Most blogs have rules & if you don't abide by them, your comment would not go through. It's not about being a teenager, having a blogger account or being anonymous it's about who you are. Most of the comments on stardoll related blogs (blogger account & anonymous) are aimed at being rude & mischievous. Some blogger account holders feel they have the right to insult anyone & be rude because they have added a name (any name) to their comments or posts which makes them as bad as the anonymous ones & nobody even knows who they really are so they are also anonymous - unknown. Some stardoll users do not realise the dangers & seriousness of ID theft, they give out their first names (if those are really their first names), birth dates, age etc & don't realise these are key security questions you should use with private transactions only.

  6. LOL ASHLEY it was a simple spelling error where they missed out a h don't get worked up about it.

  7. I challenge these anonymous to come out in to the limelight. If you can swear and insult people please do us a favor by showing yourself! ooh and a 'h' matters 'whosoeveryouare'!

  8. Go Go Big Mamas, Run Chicken Run?!
    Seriously, what the heck??? XD

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