Saturday, June 22, 2013

Angelina Jolie: A Walking Ad for 'World War Z'?

All women do have a different sense of sexuality, or sense of fun, or sense of like what's sexy or cool or tough.” – Angelina Jolie. Jolie, one of the worlds’ most talented actresses; married to one of the world’s most iconic actors, Brad Pitt; and of course mother of 6 who will hopefully follow in their mother and father’s footsteps. 

Over the past few weeks, Angelina Jolie has been in basically ALL major tabloids over her recent double mastectomy to help prevent the high risk of her chances of getting breast cancer. But as her husband, Mr Pitt circles the globe to help promote his highly anticipated blockbuster, and soon-to-be smack-hit ‘World War Z’ – on occasion with Jolie as his accessory. But since Angelina’s recent news, is the spotlight truly on her? But I’m not here to debate who is the main advertiser - I’m here to discuss Jolie’s style throughout the red carpet appearances. 

Jolie made her first appearance in London, and may I add, “va-va-voom”.  As there are many words to best describe her phenomenal physique  only one word sums it up to a tee, which can only be “flawless”. Of course the creation of this phenomenal creation comes from the haus of Yves Saint Laurent; I refuse to call it the new “Saint Laurent”, anyways, back to the point. I believe it’s a Jolie dress; very clean; very simple; and certainly very elegant. As it’s the big night for her husband, it’s nice to see that she toned the whole ensemble down to pay respect as it’s not her night. The hair and makeup is perfect. The hair is very safe, but if it was different, I think it would disrupt the entire look. 

We're in Paris now, and once again, Jolie wore Yves Saint Laurent. In some respect, I honestly think this look is too casual. It’s something a middle-aged woman from the upper-east-side would wear to go shopping at Bergdorf Goodman; you get my drift? It would be much better if the blouse underneath was possibly at floor length, just like Yves Saint Laurent S/S’ 2013 – and yeah, she can keep the blazer. Hair: it’s fine. It’s basic, really clean and sophisticated. 

Just another perfected look from Mrs Jolie Pitt. Gelina pulled out all the stops for her short stop at Milan. Angelina Jolie wore a beautifully crafted peplum dress by Ralph & Russo for the premiere of ‘World War Z’, and doesn't she look fantastic? I must say, this look, I believe is her best through the whole journey. It’s very sexy yet breeds a sense of sophistication. I adore the matching of the white against the white dress. Although, I truly believe there is one flaw, the hair. I would have much preferred if the hair was behind her shoulders, as it kind of interrupts the bodice. Other than that, it’s perfection.


  1. Anjelina is definitely an advertisement for her husband Brad. I love her "simplistic" fashion choices. I particularly love the Ralph and Russo dress that she wore. I wished that her hair was a little more done up though. I would have liked to see it in a bun or something like that. I do agree with Eamonn that the her choice of hairstyle interrupts the bodice. I saw World War Z on the opening night, and I think that it was a very good movie! It deserves all of the "hype" that it received.

  2. All of your posts bore me

    1. Oh, why thank you!
      It's great to see that some things haven't changed. It's nice to see that pathetic people just like yourself are too afraid to show your identity.

      Eamonn Collins, x.
      Always a pleasure.

    2. Don't worry about that pathetic anon, Eamonn. I thought your post was really great. I agree, Angelina is a very elegant lady and I have always loved how she dressed.
      By the way, I also refuse to call it "Saint Laurent", it just doesn't sound right to me and it will always stay Yves Saint Laurent to me :D
