Cover: 7.5/10 I'm almost a text critic when it comes to magazine covers on Stardoll. As important as the cover graphics is, I think interesting and well set out titles can really make or break the opening page. In this case, the cover is strikingly simple. The pops of blue from the poncho and the yellow from the text really shine through on this almost mediocre graphic for X.
Graphics: 8/10 All the graphics in X are undeniably pretty top notch, although we weren't treated to particularly many this issue. The obvious stand out is the Be You graphic [18/20], which really highlights Jack's phenomenal artistic presence. Although this is a mini issue I was still slightly disappointed with the lack of graphics in the issue, with only 5 full graphics making it to the final cut.
Writing & Articles: 10/10 Although the graphics are stellar, the articles are where X really stands out from most other magazines of the current time. Articles and writing have become far less popular in the modern day Stardoll magazine and X is one of few magazines to keep the original tradition running. There are multiple articles on Mexican fashion, Frida Kahlo and feminism, which are all written wonderfully.
Editorials: 7/10 I enjoy the trend report shown in the magazine, but I feel that it does not work well with the edition only being a mini issue. In a full magazine I would be fine with it, but in the mini it leaves me wanting more - which I suppose is what every magazine intends to do, so props for that. Other than the trend report there are no other editorials. It's a mini issue sure, but please give me some of that graphical goodness!
Creativity: 8.5/10 On a whole I thoroughly enjoyed the Mexican inspired route Jack decided to go down for the issue. The bright colours really worked, and it was an interesting blend of simplicity and brights. I particularly enjoyed the colour blocking used on page [16/20] as it reinforced both the magazine's theme and the strong ideas in the article.
How did this magazine score?
41 out of 50 points, at 82% or B+
Final Comment: On a whole this issue of X magazine achieved what it set out to do, but I feel that not every aspect works with the concept of the mini issue and a few extra pages to beef up the magazine slightly would have made a huge difference to the overall feel. "More editorials" is not usually a comment I could imagine myself giving to this particular magazine so I am sure that this flaw is a mere one issue thing which will be corrected more than happily in the next issue.
TTT, what did you think? Agree or disagree? Comment!
thank you for this lovely review, kim! this was such a fun issue to make. i hope you're all looking forward to the next one...