Friday, January 28, 2011

HB Released: Faux Fur Hat & February Hot Buys

After all the critics on the last HBs here's one that doesn't make me fell like criticizing a lot. The only problem is the price, I do think 7sd is a bit too much. The hat itself is a creative accessory, that can go really nice if well matched. The real life version is by Giles and if we compare we'll be disppointed with the graphic quality (just like the others), so let's not.
Don't forget to check the real life version on HotBuys Addicted

After January's HBs it was quite impossible to get worst items, so i have to say I'm happy with this month's. The graphic quality isn't the best, but it's not the worst either. The clothes are trendy and seen on Spring 2011 Ready-to-wear. I alredy have my particular favourite and it's the vest inspired by Paul Smith. Let's wait for the prices, and keep checking the blog for my reviews on each HB as they get released.

1 comment:

  1. i love that bag. it looks inspired by pauls boutique:
