Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tyler's Top Trends Reaches 700 Followers!

When I logged into my blogger account this morning, I was excited to see what some of my favorite blogs had been publishing - but to my surprise, I was captivated by something else.

Tyler's Top Trends has over 700 followers! For a while now, I thought about what I could do to say thank you to everyone. I love doing the raffles, but there is usually only one winner. Finally, I came to the conclusion that the only way I could "pay" everyone back is to produce amazing articles.

I am now more dedicated to everything I do for and on this blog. I could never let you know how much your support means to me. It energizes me, it is me. I have not been publishing much as of late because I have been focused on my real life, school, and I needed a little break in general - but that is all about to change.

Our new banner will be revealed very soon and once it is made public, so will many, many new things! I have been excited for these announcements for a long time now and I am hoping you will be too. Again, thank you for reading and commenting on the blog and showing your interests in our posts!

Until next time,