Friday, April 19, 2013


In light of the tragic events in Boston recently, coupled with my extremely fast-approaching exams, I apologize for not being able to get last week's Hot Buys review up. The original version I had written earlier was too short to post, and since the collection was taken down before I could actually finish the review, I wasn't able to get it all done. I really am so sorry to be so weirdly MIA for the past few weeks. I hope you guys can forgive me!

And while I don't think I'll be as active due to exams and such, I won't be going on a complete hiatus, so thanks for understanding! See you dollies soon!


  1. The collection sucked anyway, don't think you missed much! You live in Boston? If so, then hope you're safe ;)


  2. Oh, no, I live in New York! But I know people that were in the race and such, and while they were unharmed and such, it's been difficult to get in contact with them.
