Monday, January 31, 2011

Tyler's Top Trends is No More

I am not perceived as the "nice guy". I never set out to be, anyways. But for people to say that I am a cold-hearted fame whore, is another story. I'm not. Most of you will not even be able to read this entire entry, and if you're one of those people: mind your own business and leave me alone.

I'm not one to hit "rock bottom", but I am afraid that time has come. I was born to be a boss, it's in my blood. I have been known to boss people are and harass them to no return, to get the job done. I wouldn't call it harassment, but I would call it dedication. I have done so much on this site and I have provided a lot. Now, here me out. I never said people have liked the things I have done, the projects I have created - but I created them. To say I have not made my mark on Stardoll, would be stating your own situation. If I haven't by now, neither have you.

I want to clear up a few things by saying that I am furious with numerous people on this site. I have had it. I know secrets and I keep them, but revealing them wouldn't mean shit to me, because it doesn't mean shit to them either. For years I have aimed high. I HAD high hopes for myself on this site, but it really doesn't matter to me anymore because it doesn't matter to you. I am a perfectionist and I seek to be perfect. Whenever I released something new into this god-awful world (Stardoll), I was worried about what people were going to think, how they were going to react, if they even would. As time went on I was given a stereotype. That stereotype was, "the cold-hearted, gay ass, elite wannabe, trainwreck bitch'.

It bothered me so much to watch my hard work go to waste. To see people focusing on me, more than my talents. Why do people hate on other people? It's human nature I suppose. Have you ever heard about those murder stories where the killers are able to kill their victims and feel nothing? It's kind of like that. Internet haters are cold-blooded killers. It's sad to see this site collapse from beneath my feet.

The foundation is caving in, the same time I am. The same time everyone is. Stardoll is over. I know the site is still there, but that's not the Stardoll I am talking about. I'm talking about the Stardoll WE created together. With the parties and the drama, the gossip, the elites, the fame, the popularity, the fun, the talent. will continue to grow and so will we. We're matured.

People just take this blog for granted. I am not sure if they know what they have until it's actually gone. Blogging is not fun anymore because no one wants to give their feedback. Everyone is worried about their image. They are too worried to do something crazy and stand out. But then... Come to think about it, those are the types of people that say that don't care about our world. The ones that say it's just virtual. They care.

It is a virtual site, I will admit to that, but WE created Dollywood. The media likes to bring things up, make it a star - and then tear it right back down. That's what we have started to do. A town that we were once proud of, is dead. We have turned our backs on the single-most important thing in our world which is why it has decided to turn its' back on us. We're letting it, I'm letting it.

I have decided to close this blog down because no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I try and no matter how big this blog will ever become... I will never be satisfied, because you won't be either. I see everything you all say about me. The ones that talk shit about me, read my blog religiously. That's not how things work around here - I am no longer going to give you something to run your mouth about.

If you are a true fan of my blog, you can thank the haters for ruining Stardoll, OUR STARDOLL and this blog. I wanted to thank everyone who has ever contributed to this blog because you have made it something special. You are some wonderful people.

This is not the last of me. But it is the last of you.


  1. I read this post, word for word. This blog is popular. So what if nobody comments? I remember you saying if nobody comments, your blog wont go on, a long time ago.

    Not everyone will have time to comment, and PLUS, what about all the hard work Alice did? Your writers? Do you really want to let them down?

  2. If you did read this post word for word you would know that it is not soley about the comments that come in. Alice did a lot of hard work throughout the years she has helped my blog, so have the writers.

    You're playing a guilt trip and I have prepared myself for this. I am not letting anyone down. You're in denial. People may say I have let them down, but they have let themselves down. I am me. I am Tyler. I am not you, and you are not me.

  3. Of course this doesn't surprise me. Overall it's Tyler's blog and his choice. Simple as that.

  4. It's weird to see Stardoll the way it is now. To see the elites falling hard, growing up. The new generation coming to take our place isn't going to create a world the way we did.

    But you're correct. We're all too old to take this foolishness any longer.

  5. The Dollywood glamor is dying. It's near dead. People try to bring it to life. But they fail to win.
    Everyone is afraid of their image, and yet they crave fame, so they do what others do, own a blog, fashion line, magazine, believing that is all what 'Dollywood' is made of.

    And it's not.

    Gossip? Wow, that word sounds so old.

    So I see what Tyler is saying about that aspect of Stardoll.

    But people are so hypocritical, they think they are too good to comment on things, and if it isn't about them or something they can receive, they couldn't give a damn. Ugh. Fake. That's all I can say.

    And really, I am sad to see you close TTT, I believe you can always go places with it if you wanted to, or start something new, and if you do, I will always have your back Tyler.

    So I bid an adieu.

  6. Great, so your qutting your own blog again?

  7. Why listen to what people say? People are only nasty because they are insecure & try to make themselves feel better. Now you'll make them happier.

  8. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM PPL TYLER?! Your blog is awesome! I had a blog about stardoll once and I had to make my own followers and post my own comments

  9. Tyler. I completely understand what you are're frustration and the days of old are pretty much gone..although I don't think all of that is necessarily a bad thing..

    I am sorry to see your blog close if mainly because I don't think these people should be the cause of it. I have learned the hard way to not expect too much from most people on here. People want to say I am bribing, but I say its incentive and rewards. Most people on here can't be bothered to contribute unless they have incentive. It's sad. And while comments is not why we do it..doesn't everyone want that..

    I kinda agree with Dee. People are such hypocrites on here. The very thing they glorify..they then look to destroy..

    Anyway I hope we will see you in something bigger and better soon.

  10. Aww too bad :( I like this blog :/
    Oh well... :S

  11. No. ThankYOU for your contributions. You were my male stardoll role model. I understand how you're feeling. It's happened to me before except in the real world. I just felt like hiding. This was really inspiring. Don't let people get you down xxx
    P.S. thanks to all contributors for TTT, it was amazing

  12. TYLER.
    You're a good author, your blog is one of the few interesting reads out there, not to mention one of the best written. I had a blast working for Freakshow, but seriously babe, you have to stop doing this!
    I get that you would grow out of all this, we all have at some point, but it seems a shame to walk away from something so good. Especially if you are going to wander back in and start a blog from scratch in two months time.

    I don't mean to imply you're flaking, I'm just really going to miss this blog. Good luck

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Nooooo.... Your going to give up because of the haters? the people that don't comment? The most important thing I learn in this world is not to care about what everyone thinks! Do your own thing either in stardoll or anyware else but PLEASE don't feel dependent of what others think! It will eat you up!

  15. Its your choice and I try not to judge people so I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your posts and hopefully you'll do well in the real world.

  16. I am truly sorry that you are leaving. Unfortunately, people are people. Some are nice and some are not. It's hard not to let all the negative from affecting you. I wish you well in all your future endeavors.

  17. Dear Tyler,
    why did you stop the blog if you keep the URL on stardoll?

  18. You are so big-headed! All those comments saying stuff like "This is not the last of me. But it is the last of you." or "To say I have not made my mark on Stardoll, would be stating your own situation. If I haven't by now, neither have you." Really? Umm, PLENTY of us have, no thanks to you! I honestly hope that the blog is closed down for good and you leave the rest of us to get on with our lives.


  19. People are too self-orientated now :L

  20. I believe some people don't comment on any blogs because they're afraid,as you said, of their image. They are scared to see people bashing their image. They want to be "FAMOUS" in Dollywood, not the enemy.
    Au Revoir TTT. You'll be missed greatly.

  21. The reason I don't comment is mostly because of laziness. Hehe 0;D

  22. Who gives a shit? Not me! Does someone need a tampon! Quit blaming other people for YOUR FAULTS!

  23. Don't give up all your hard work just because of Drama. If you really wanted to prove something to us, you wouldn't care what the haters think :D You got a blog with 700+ followers. I think all there gossip is based on drama. And when you come to Dollywood you shoould be prepared for the worst. So if you were really who you say you are you wont give up on this! I love reading this blog, I'd really hate to see crash & burn. But if you give up, your just giving your HATERS, what they want ;] So, i think you shouldn't quit on TTT.

  24. Devastating news Tyler. This post almost scared me about what's to come if I say a bad word against a fashion line or so on on my blog. And the news came so out of the blue. I have only just seen and joined this blog so it is disappointing to see it all go now.

  25. Tis blog is amazing,but you are a borning stupid just want to be famous,but you can`t!YOU ARE A LITTLE BITCH WITHOUT SENSE FOR STYLE!belive me nobody will care if you will close this blog..but you won`t close it becouse you are popular only becouse of this blog!

  26. I saw this coming like six months ago. When I logged onto Stardoll for the first time in awhile and said to myself "Did everybody leave?"

    Stardoll is there, but the people arent. It's an abandoned city.

  27. Tooo much words :/

    Guys its his choice anyways if he wants to close it :/

  28. Tyler I shall Miss you *tears* your like simon cowell your haters make you famous there jelous

  29. I am part of this 'new generation', surrounded by the haters and posers of Stardoll. I am not one of them, but I have made friends on Stardoll that turned out to be the opposite gender, 12, or just plain mean. I understand where Tyler is coming from, because my peers--the haters and posers--are just fat, chubby losers with nothing better to do then hate on someone because of their sucky lives outside of Stardoll.

  30. wow oh well I never liked tyler anyways

  31. Furthermore proof that Stardoll is just like a real world...what goes up always comes down. And those who weren't expecting it...poor you.

    I can tell you some very old,and very real examples of real world events like this. Let's take for example the roman was once very powerful,and then it crashed. Was there ever another Roman Empire? No. But the modern world rose from the ancient world's ashes.

    You all knew this was coming...or maybe not. But something new WILL come from this. Just not at all the same way it used to be done.

    So fuck my image.

    Let's get off our virtual derrieres and begin crafting this new Stardoll.

  32. It's strange, I've always come home from school and before even doing homework, I eagerly jumped onto the laptop and logged into Stardoll. Now, I come home from school, look at the laptop and shake my head. Stardoll was fun, but now the fun's been used up, and there isn't any left. New users are joining and punking the site. I don't know why I even bother to ever log on any more. I agree with most of the previous comments, our time has come and gone. The new time is here, and we try to fit in, but we don't play the right parts anymore.

    I thought this blog would be able to continue, but we're old school dogs now, so let's allow the new generation to take over and do as they please. Sad as it is, we'll just have to watch them crumble all we once had.

    Sorry this post is a little late, but I don't come on much anymore. Surprise, surprise ^^
