Friday, July 1, 2011

Welcome back.

Hello readers!

How are you all doing? First of all, I just want to say sorry for all the confusion and mishap about TTT in the past few days. But I can now confirm that myself (xxlovexx) and Erica (a_true_beauty) both own the wonderful, Today's Top Trends. Our renovation is coming soon, and I can guarantee that it'll be stunning. It'll be made by a true artist, so.. get excited!

You may be wondering where Eamonn has gone, but the story really is quite lengthy. So to put a long story short, TTT made myself and Eamonn argue alot. It was over nothing, anything we could think of, and in reality, it sort of ruined our friendship. So Eamonn has now given the blog to me, saying that he doesn't want us to argue anymore. I'm incredibly happy and thought this was so kind of Eamonn.

But no way I can run this blog alone! I just feel like this specific blog needs two owners to run it. So that, through anything, this blog will still be active. That's why I have chosen the wonderful Erica to be co-owner! She is a kind, caring and talented girl who has a gift for writing. She is extremely friendly and is one of the nicest girls on Stardoll. Let's be honest though, her talent hasn't really been recognised around Stardoll, so I think this will be a brilliant chance for her to show her amazing skills in both writing and running a huge blog.

I know that recently Eamonn decided to change the blog title to 'Today's Top Topics', but I just didn't feel that the name fitted properly. So I am changing it back to Today's Top Trends, but will keep the same agenda as Eamonn. Creating fake gossip, Stardoll fashion and modelling, new projects, as well as posting about juicy real-Dollywood stuff! But I can guarantee you, this blog will not be the same!

Writers... This blog will be hiring numerous new writers as well as keeping old ones, it'll also be going under a massive renovation, just to add a little bit of spice to the blog. Makeover-wise, the blog will be in fresh greens and calm blue tones, with a banner to die for, coming very soon! Don't you worry though, we will have writers appications up soon! We'll also be handpicking new writers, so if you get chosen, consider yourself very lucky indeed!

That is about all for now, but don't worry, we'll be back soon for some more updates on the whole new Today's Top Trends! In the meantime, why not follow us, and check out some of our awesome media partners! Just a note, we're also requiring new media partners too, there will be a new apply tab for that soon enough, so keep a look out!

~Kimbery & Erica.


  1. Amazing owners, but it'll always be Kim & Eamonn, to me. I guess. (:

    But Erica is just as wonderful as Eamonn!

  2. haha, thanks for hiring me as writer and just kick me off the team without a word :D

  3. @Chace, I'm deleting all writers, and then waiting till everything is all sorted out, before adding our writers back. Chances are, you'll probably still be a writer.

  4. Why all the confusion with the changed names, banners, writers & owners. Yesterday it was a different name & owner today it's something else.

  5. @anon
    I did apologise in the post for all the confusion. Once again, I am really sorry. But I promise in a few weeks time, this blog will be back again!

  6. I really hope all the best for this blog!!! It seems to be really interesting what you'll be bringing to us!!! :)
