Sunday, September 25, 2011

Spoiler Alert!

I want to give a special thanks to Sam(rascal313) for making such a breathtaking spoiler and banner for the Beauty Week Blog.

CLICK HERE to read more about the inspiration for this spoiler and updates about Beauty Week.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Introducing... Vanessa Bruno

Maybe you remember my post about The Kooples. Then, as I thought, I want it to be like a column... called 'Introducing...'

So for today, let me introduce : Vanessa Bruno.

She's French!
Her name is her brand's name too.
Today she's 39 but she created her Line when she was 24 (in 1996), after being mannequin, singer and actress.

Her Line's a World Famous French Line. But the question may be : why? no?

Well, guys, let me introduce you the VANESSA BRUNO BAG!

There are many, many, other versions of this bag with different colors. But Vanessa Bruno doesn't need to say thanks to anyone. Her Line's famous because of her bags, and not because a star wear them! The bag made her famous.
May I give some numbers? One Vanessa Bruno bag is sold every 10 minutes in the World. 
She stills have a 'Prêt-A-Porter' Line but you understood where she earns more money on her business! (However I don't remember the number, but I think it's like more than 50%)

Now, my personal point is... I have a Vanessa Bruno bag since almost one year. It costed me 240€ (about 320$), yes! I know it's a lot of money and please don't judge me, as a fashion victim I'm also aware about all the things we can do with all that money... But I don't even think it really worth. 
I'm not advertising and then giving a bad opinion, I don't feel influent enough to be a media or a person that makes you change your mind about this bag. I'm just showing!
And my real point is that there is a problem with these bags... the sequins! I used to go to school with these bags, like all the other girls... but after seeing the old ones of the other girls... I saw mine become like theirs. And so a lot of sequins are gone. So, if you like this bag and then you'll buy one, I can promise it's a good quality (expect the sequins!) so you'll have to be a bit careful, and if you don't like it... it's your opinion! :)

Now if you want to know more about the Line go to her official site :

Also, she's about to launch her very first fragrance called 'L'Eau' (which means 'water')

Now tell me what you think about Vanessa Bruno (and her bags)? :)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

This Fall At TTT...

**I am honestly so good at losing my banner. It took me about 20 minutes to find the thing**

Hey everyone! How are you all? Basically, my post today is just an update with everything TTT. As you can probably tell, Erica is quite quiet on the Stardoll scene. We all know of the recent news Erica had, so it's a hard time for her, understandably. We also have a new writer on the blog! Her name is Robyn and she's an amazing girl. I'm sure you might have seen her on other blogs, or you probably just know her for being the most genuinely nice person ever. So, welcome to the blog Robyn!

Another thing I want to discuss is a competition in the wraps. Any blossoming models here? This competition is for you! There will also be a massive competition in Deember. Prizes? Think big. REALLY BIG. And it's available for all you Non Superstars. Did that give it away? Leave your guesses in the comments on what the prize could be, maybe you'll get it. And what would you prefer? A competition or a raffle?

So, overall, there is quite a few things coming up here. There was originally meant to be a competition for every month, but we've all been so utterly busy that it's hard. Plus the fact that we aren't recieiving many entries. There will be a Halloween dressup competition, which should be really fun, so prepare for that in October. And there will be the huge competition nearer the end of the year too, which I have already explained. And TTT's Next Top Model? Sound like a plan? Who knows, could become reality very, very soon..

Have a good day. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well isn't this wonderful? Some bitch stole my graphic! Now I know this isn't the first time it's happened, but they could get away with it for totally destroying the graphic. But this bitch, this crosses the line. So the story and I'm going to be 100% honest

I was having a number 2, and I was on my iPod and I checked my Stardoll. I know... Classy, sophisticated woman, having a poop with their iPod. Anyways... I was going through my guestbook and my jaw just dropped. I had a message, like always... But this one was a different message.

Someone stole my graphic!

So I finished what I was doing and I got on my laptop and it was true! Look below!

The bottom picture is the original picture and the one above is the stolen graphic. It's my doll and everything! I believe I still have the psd file. I can provide it if I have to. And what's worse is she took full credit when I messaged in her guestbook...

Now I don't care if she can speak English or not. This bitch stole MY work!
Now read the Copyrights of my blog, please note I wrote this when I was really tired so there is a grammar issue. xD

Did she ask? No. Did she pay me anything? No Has she even fucking commented on one of my posts? I don't think so! Now unless she is doing a "Reece," and doing it for the fame, I want an explanation! No offense Reece.
Now until she gives me a clear and bullshit free explanation, feel free to abuse her on her blog and in her guestbook by clicking...

And Here
Also, if you would like to check out my blog for whatever reason, click here.

Update: Apparently she thought it was a blog where she could freely take graphics and use them as her own. Bitch, this ain't i-dressup!

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Young Hollywood

There seems to be a new batch of Young Hollywood coming our way, something I picked up on purely by chance when searching for the latest hot buys cardigan. Upon further investigation, it's all but confirmed.

Click to enlarge.
A few decent items, but not as nice as some of the last ones in my opinion.

The most intriguing thing about these items is that they come without the usual amount bar (the one that indicates the amount of items left to buy). Perhaps this is because a very poor selection of what I think Stardoll were expecting to be a sell out collection still lingers - a bag here, an orange mesh skirt there, not to mention a top that looks like it was woven from reject Nicki Minaj/Lady Gaga wigs. Unfortunately, one thing the new items still come with are the usual extortionate prices. Oh well. Can't win them all...

What did you think about the first collection of Young Hollywood?
Are you looking forward to the new collection?

Monday, September 12, 2011

I know the last things people want to see sometimes are advertisements.
But this project is very dear to my heart and I want to get as much support as I can.

So please do me a favor and follow Stardoll Beauty Week!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Selena vs Perez.

Selena and Perez gets in a little fight, no big deal, doesn't bother me.
Posts on PSG, no worries.

Wannabe elites hating on Selena all because they love Perez. Now, don't get me wrong, I love both girls and I know that bullying is not on. But, what also isn't right, hating on Selena because Perez isn't happy with her. Yes, as I said, bullying isn't on but sucking up Perez's ass because she's popular is way off. If Selena was giving someone else the shits, they posted it on a blog, nobody would care.

Do you see how unfair that is? Yes I know PSG is a popular blog but should that matter? No. Yes, it's being more aware of harassment but it's just as stupid to hate the hater. I myself have done some pretty nasty things on Stardoll, of which I have made Selena aware of before. Never was I posted on Beg For More for it.

And never mind what I have done, the point is, I have made members uncomfy, I admit it but has anything happened to me? Yes, it would have been nice if Selena posted it and for the people wondering what happened to them, they would know what has happened. It might have been a bit heartless but Selena was there to listen. Will she use it against me? No.

Everyone can be bitchy, everyone makes mistakes.  I don't care what happened between them but can everyone give Selena a break. Everyone should calm the fluff down and just be aware that not everyone's perfect. If we all keep hating on everyone, I'm sure soon we will be as gorgeous as Donatella Versace, so keep it up! Anger and stress makes everyone beautiful.

And remember, I am taking nobodies but my own side and supporting for what I think is right.
Have a sook in the comments if you want.

Monday, September 5, 2011

BE Magazine is coming!

As I log into Skype I recieve a message from Reece. 'BE Magazine' the link read. It sounded promising, and I like Reece, so why not give the page a little look?! To my surprise, I come across this gorgeous, and extremely promising spoiler. It reminds of Eternity. The background, font, way it's shaded. It's very, very pretty to say the least. :]  Maggie looks gorgeous on it, rocking a beautiful plait and a three-tone striped skirt! I'd totally check out the blog:

BE are also currently looking for models and writers, so if you think you've got what it takes, then go along and check it out! I for one hope this project will do well and hopefully Mikel (seasonalhotbuys) and Reece (you know by now) can keep the high standards of this spoiler and incorporate it into the magazine. Are you excited?


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Posh Fall 2011 Issue Spoiler

Hello everyone!

Well the title actually gives it all away! Here's the spoiler for the upcoming issue of Posh Magazine:

Do you like it? Are you excited?
