Thursday, February 27, 2014

HB #10 - Stiletto Sandals

We have reached the end of February and we have made it to the final hot buy of the month. February isn't quite going out with a bang, however I'm sure these pretty pair of shoes, inspired by Louis Vuitton, will suffice. They are available from Bonjour Bizou and they are priced at 12 stardollars - I'm not going to give a lengthy review purely because they are simply a pair of nice shoes and not a lot more. They are possibly a tad overpriced at 12 stardollars, but the design is nice and the colour adds a lot more than the original black design by Louis Vuitton. Thank you to Stardoll Real Brands for the image - one of our newest media partners!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Who: Van_nessa11
What: All black everything with exciting pops of pink 
Wear: Valentino Dress, Shoulder Slung Moto Jkt, Pink Belt, Black Pumps, Gangster Glam Hat and Hot Pink Double Chanel Purses

*Want to get featured on Street Chic: Stardoll Style? Comment below.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

OOTD #4 - Scuba Chic

WEARING? Decades Black Scale Skirt, Hot Buys See Through Purse, Velvet Orchid Silver Crop Tank, Voile Baby Beads Top, Bizou Alexander Minimalist Heels

Saturday, February 22, 2014

HB #9 - Sparkly Fringes Bag

It's almost the end of the month and we are officially on the ninth and penultimate hot buy! The Sparkly Fringes Bag costs 10 stardollars and can be found in Rio. It appears to be inspired by the Stella McCartney fringe bag (view here), which is also available in clutch form.

The bag is in no way a disappointing hot buy, however the fringe seems to attach oddly to the bag itself and the strap lays awkwardly on the doll. The awkward laying strap may make it awkward to incorporate into outfits purely because it won't fit well around jackets, or just long sleeves in general. In saying that, I enjoy the bag and I think that it looks pretty good on my doll!

What are your thoughts on the latest hot buy?
Let us know in the comment below!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Loving (#1): Gingham

Hey everyone! My name is Cilla (baby_lush11), and I’m a new writer for TTT. I am not one of the four writers that have already been revealed as I applied after the announcement, but hopefully you will become acquainted with me fairly quickly. As an aspiring fashion editor, the opportunity to contribute to this blog was one I couldn’t let pass by, and I’m extremely excited to share my take on style, (possibly) beauty, and all things fashion with you guys.

As far as what I will be posting, sky really is the limit. I want the thoughts I share with you to be as organic –and not forced- as possible, so my posts will be a reflection of the things I’m into. One segment I will definitely be posting is called ‘Loving’, where I talk about a trend that I currently love –ranging from patterns and cuts to accessories and colours - and incorporate it into my doll’s style. Hopefully you all enjoy!


Gingham is one of the major patterns of the upcoming season, replacing the love of plaid during the A/W of 2013. The pattern is perfect for Spring because it not only incorporates the classic shades of black and white, but also has a softer presence in comparison to the heavy appearance of plaid. Here are a few ways I would style Gingham:

What are your thoughts on Gingham, and how would you style the pattern? Also, how do you feel about this segment? Let me know what you think below.


Who: laia_fergusson_
What: Patterns and prints galore in this trendy black and white ensemble
Wear: YSL Cut Out Ankle Boots, Two Tone Dot Skirt, LE Zebra Dress placed under Zip Scalloped Tank, Checked Clutch Purse and Circle Glasses

*Want to get featured on Street Chic: Stardoll Style? Comment below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

FW Highlights - Karen Walker

*Want to see more fashion based posts? Comment below with a brand you'd be interested in seeing!

Although not a brand that I'd heard much of prior to the show, I was interested to see what would come of the Karen's suffragette nod. I thoroughly enjoyed the collection and was interested by the casual yet catchy designs which featured bold statements such as "Young, Willing & Eager" and "Faster, Better & Stronger". 

Some of my favourite looks, which I have featured below, really captured some of my current favourite trends and fashion ideas. I love the simplicity yet boldness of the first two, with simple accessories and extravagant touches adding an excitement to otherwise minimal outfits. I'm also a fan of the interesting cut of the third, and I think that the colour of the dress looks amazing on the dark skin of the model. I must say though that I'm not obsessing over the fourth look, though the model was interesting and the image was available so I included it anyway. Not a perfect nor wonderfully exciting collection, but it was nice to see a fashionable nod to our amazing strong women. 

What are your thoughts on this collection? Which would you like to see posts about? Comment below!

Introduction + Style It! #1

Hi everyone, my name is Jessica, and I am one of the four new writers at TTT. I must say, I am really happy to be writing on such a well known blog, and I look forward to perhaps getting to know some of the readers.

My main segment will be Style It!, in which I will choose a piece of clothing from Stardoll and style it on my doll, and then challenge the readers to style it themselves. For my first Style It! post, I have chosen a piece that I personally really like, the Pastell Green Trousers from Callie's Picks.

I found these trousers harder to style than I had expected, simply because I found it hard to find pieces that didn't distract from the pants with a lot of crazy colors. In the end, my outfit ended up looking fairly good in my opinion, although I am still not a huge fan of the bag. 

Now, the main point of Style It! is to see the style of you, the readers. Create an outfit using these trousers (you can find them if you search for green pants in Starplaza), upload it to Tinypic or a similar website, and leave the link in the comments. You can style the trousers on your own doll, or my doll, it is up to you. The three best outfits will be featured in my next post. I look forward to seeing your entries!

xoxo Jessica / ALLYE99

Sunday, February 16, 2014

HB #7 - Little Kiss Earrings

The seventh hot buy of February has just been released - Costing 7 stardollars and available at Epiphany. They are another nice addition to this months collection, although I wouldn't say they were a necessary or particularly amazing one.  At 7 stardollars I was interested in purchasing them, however they didn't fit my ears so I decided against the purchase. What are your thoughts on the latest hot buy release?

Intro + Metallic Harem Trousers

Hello TTT! I'm Kirsten and I am one of the new writers =) Some of you will know me as sparklewand12 on Stardoll and others might know me from my own blogs The Stardoll Lookbook or the newer and less known The Stardoll Beauty Spot. You may even know me from my graphics - I've kind of done a bit of everything! I'm so delighted to be given the opportunity to write here on such a wonderful and longstanding Stardoll blog and I really hope I can deliver to you all! So on to my first post:


I've recently, in the past 6 months or so, become a huge trouser fan; and I mean like an addict! The first thing I do when I go to the bazaar is search for trousers because there are so many out there on Stardoll that chances are I haven't come across most of the pairs! I bought these Metallic Harem Trousers in the bazaar maybe three or four months ago and I think I've worn them once or twice, but I always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with them as I have never known what to wear with them.

That was the dilemma until the other week when I decided I wanted to style them for my recent challenge over at the lookbook - I found so many pieces that worked with them! It gave me the new dilemma of which look to go for. So I chose one (I'm yet to wear it actually, and it's not featured in this post), but kept the other items aside for a styled outfit post, and when I was accepted here I thought why not post it? So here are a few of the other outfits I came up with for these:

The first look on the left is definitely going to be like Marmite to you guys, particularly with the loose shape-less top because its style is so similar to that of the trousers, but I felt the colour really worked and overbalanced the shape issue. I went with simple heels and a basic pale clutch so they wouldn't take from the colours of the clothes. I then finalised it with two skull necklaces - I'm not sure what drew me to choosing skulls for this outfit, or why I decided to put two but it just came together.

The second outfit here on the right was one of the first things I came up with. The trousers have this dark caramel colour, so I chose a top from the same sort of colour palate. Accessorised with nude, lightly decorated heels, then topped it off with an orange bag - I'm having a weird thing about orange recently. I just like it though unfortunately I know a lot of people won't see eye to eye with me on this! 

The two on the left below are the same look - I liked both the tee and the sweater with the exact same accessories and thought, hey - why not wear them together? It's something I never do because I actually don't really think about it, but I like how this turned out. I stuck to the caramel coloured palate with this look too really in choosing the gold accessories, but I'm glad I got to use this bag, I've been trying to style it for ages!

The final look again highlights my weird orange obsession! I adore this Sonia Rykiel sweater and I happen to think it works greatly with the trousers (feel free to contradict, I know it's not everyones cup of tea). I went basic on accessories, choosing nude heels and a simple gold decorated necklace. I kind of like it, but not quite so much as some of the other looks I've shown you today.

So what do you guys think? Can you style these trousers better? If so, send a link below! 
And what did you think of my first post here at TTT?

Lots of love,

OOTD #3 - In The Nude

WEARING? Voile Golden Fringe Sheer Dress, PPQ Blush Buckled Skirt, Givenchy Ivory Structured Handbag, Bizou Minimalist Alexander Heels, PPQ Blush Overcoat, Decades Roaring Clutch 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

HB #6 - Paris Love Clutch

The sixth hot buy of February has just been released at Bonjour Bizou. The clutch is available for 13 stardollars and is inspired by the brand Kayu, which you can view in its real life version glory by clicking here. The bag is undeniably nice and I would consider it a great edition to the months collection, however it isn't something I am rushing to spend my stardollars on. I am pleasantly surprised to see how similar Stardoll's take is in comparison to the real life version however, as Stardoll are somewhat known for ruining what was a nice piece in real life.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Writers!

Congratulations to our new writers! If you were accepted, please send me a friends request on Stardoll. Once again I'm sorry about the awful quality images - I have no idea what blogger is doing to them but they somehow become so pixelated when I upload them!


Who: Mery.-
What: A comfortable yet stylish fall outfit featuring trendy lace inserts and simple touches of red
Wear: Cheap Monday Collared Shirt, Lace Sleeve Pleather Top, DKNY Long Jacket, Lace Kilt, Burgundy Purse, Red Stilettos 

*Want to get featured on Street Chic: Stardoll Style? Comment below.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

HB #5 - Valentin Dress

We are now officially half way through the Hot Buy month of February and the fifth item is the Valentin Dress, inspired by Marc by Marc Jacobs, for 16 stardollars and available from Pretty in Love. I am yet to be majorly let down with any February hot buy and this dress certainly does not disappoint. I easily prefer Stardoll's rendition over the original because of their own take on the lace used and the cute heart belt added. For what it is, I have no complaints at all. Have you included this new release in one of your outfits? Comment below for your outfit to be entered and a chance to win a stardollar prize at the end of the month!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

HB #4 - Organza Skirt

The fourth hot buy of the month has been released, available for 15 stardollars at It Girls. This hot buy was another one that I didn't really expect to love, but after trying it on my doll I'm a fan. The quality, as with all of the hot buys so far this month, is very good and it compliments a lot of outfits well. The little hearts could possibly limit the skirts use, however they also add a feminine touch to an otherwise simple skirt. Have you included this new release in one of your outfits? Comment below for your outfit to be entered and a chance to win a stardollar prize at the end of the month!

A Limited Edition Review (Part Two)

To many the excitement of getting your hands on a new piece of Limited Edition clothing disappeared while Stardoll implemented many new and mostly unpopular changes a few years back. However the newest collection of everyone's favourite stardoll shop, prior to its downfall that is, revealed a glimmer of hope in the revival of Stardoll's signature LE tag brand.


After the collection had sold out and I had taken some time to digest my thoughts about the new release I found that although it was no show stopper, the collection was undeniably a step in a positive direction. The clothes, although not particularly well made nor ultra stylish like so many had hoped for, were presentable and far more 'LE' than previous seasons. 

If Stardoll were to take more time perfecting a lot of these pieces, this collection really could have been a lot better. For example, the skirt in the picture above has some interesting ideas and a nice shape, however Stardoll's LE logo ruined the piece. Limited Edition should be able to look like Limited Edition without having to have the logo of the brand plastered onto it. Sure, some brand logos are iconic and a statement piece with a logo on it is lovely, but you certainly do not see real life designers plastering every runway with their own logos. 

Personally I would like to see LE grow up a bit. It began more than five years ago now so it is obvious that over this period Limited Edition would have gone into a new direction, however I feel like out of every store in the starplaza, Limited Edition should be the one that takes direct inspiration from the runways, in both quality and design.

All in all Stardoll still has a lot to do until they perfect this brand once again, but for now this collection has been somewhat of a breath of fresh air in what had been a devastatingly poor timeline of releases. A good release? Yes. But is 'good' really enough for a brand like LE?

OOTD #2 - Biker Shine

WEARING? Bizou Cropped Tee, Limited Edition LE Perfecto Jacket, Tingeling Plastic Strip Miniskirt, Limited Edition Crossbody Heart Bag, Bizou Minimalist Alexander Heels

Saturday, February 8, 2014

STREET CHIC: Stardoll Style, Fashion Flare

Who: jackjailer
What: A classic yet ultra fashionable outfit in all black simplicity
Wear: Black tube top and black pants with a flare created from resized skirts, accessorised with platinum blonde hair and neutral makeup

*Want to be featured in on Street Chic: Stardoll Style? Comment below with an outfit for your chance.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

HB #3 - Heart Shoes

The third Hot Buy of February has just been released, available for 10 stardollars at Pretty in Love. I can't say I'm a fan of these heart shoes, although I definitely prefer Stardoll's take on the shoes over the Vivienne Westwood real life version. I can't say that I will be purchasing these, or attempting to make an outfit with them either, but if you have then comment below with a link to your outfit and you could be included in a competition to win stardollars at the end of the month!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Who: Beautifuloval
What: Take any on winters day in this trendy city attire
Wear: Archive LS Sheer Top, Black Crop Top, Black Suede Fedora, Limited Edition Charcoal Harem Skirt and Bizou Minimalist Alexander Heels tied together with a simple black belt

*Want to get featured on Street Chic: Stardoll Style? Comment below.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Media Partners

Today's Top Trends are proud to announce all six of our new media partners. Check them out through the links below and make sure to follow and comment! All of these blogs will now be featured in the sidebar if you wish to check them out at any time.

The Stardoll Beauty Spot

Stardoll Broadcast

Mesmerise Productions

Enjoy Stardoll

Fashion Gone Pixelated

Miss Tutorial

Check them out!

HB #2 - Heart Shirt

First of all, my apologies for the bad quality images once again - I have no idea what's going on with blogger images at the moment. The second hot buy of February was released today, for an insanely cheap 6 stardollars. Not only is this item of top notch quality, it is also cheaper than the hot buys we got back in 2008/09. It is inspired by the Burberry and at the price I think it's a must have for everyone. If you're wearing this item I'd love to see how you styled it in the comments below!

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Limited Edition Review (Part One)

To many the excitement of getting your hands on a new piece of Limited Edition clothing disappeared while Stardoll implemented many new and mostly unpopular changes a few years back. However the newest collection of everyone's favourite stardoll shop, prior to its downfall that is, revealed a glimmer of hope in the revival of Stardoll's signature LE tag brand.

The Stardoll Advertisement (Issued 24/1/14)
On Thursday afternoon, 23rd of January, Stardoll unveiled the first hint of a new collection through the form of a colour palette image through Snapchat. Although it was such a minimal spoiler it was more than enough to get the majority excited for what was to come and admittedly, it did indeed look like a promising choice of colour from the design team. Later that day another hint, again shown through Snapchat, was given and on Friday morning Stardoll released the first official teaser, as shown above, for the coming edition. It was, and is, an undeniably beautiful spoiler and everything in the image seemed to be perfectly executed, which is a rather unusual feat for the dolly designers who have made a living out of meagre graphics and advertisements.

Hours later, the Limited Edition store went incognito and closed its doors for the first time in 4 long months while users waved goodbye to the dreadful plastic plaid mess which filled the Starplaza previously. Hours passed and not another hint or spoiler was released, with thousands upon thousands of comments accumulating on the Underneath Stardoll blog as perplexed fashion lovers tried to figure out what on Earth Stardoll was doing with their time.

Stardoll dropped the first reveal of the store interior on the social networking sites Instagram and Google Plus at around 2PM GMT. It is safe to say that the interior is easily the best backdrop that Stardoll has crafted since the beautiful floral LE scene created back in the summer of 2011. But yet, still no sign of the new collection everyone was so eagerly anticipating.

The store was finally released at around 8:50PM GMT, which was the latest a Limited Edition release had ever come. Certain pieces sold out in mere minutes and very quickly Underneath Stardoll had crashed and Stardoll was full of crazed fanatics filling their carts with the clothing they had been visualising for so long. I got to the store around 15 minutes after the initial release and around six things were already sold out. In fact, unlike prior collections which took between 7 days and 1 month to sell out, this edition took as little as 36 hours, with the vast majority of things gone after a mere 18.

More to the point though, how does this collection actually fare?
Check back tomorrow to find out!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

OOTD #1 - NYC Monochrome

WEARING? Voile S-S Top, Basics White T Shirt, PPQ White Tennis Skort, Basics White Jersey Mini Skirt, It Girls Chelsea Belt, Bizou Hotbuys No5 Purse, Rio Strap Heels

Saturday, February 1, 2014

VOTE ON: Limited Edition (Part One)

These results will be contributed to a future post. For now, simply rate every LE collection listed with your opinion on it out of five! If you wish to comment your thoughts also, go ahead. Apologies for the bad quality images - not sure what's going on with Blogger at the moment.

LE Season One (December 2008)

38 Votes


LE Season Two (February 2009)

36 Votes


LE Season Three (April 2009)

38 Votes


LE Season Four (September 2009)

40 Votes



VOTE ON: Limited Edition (Part Two)

LE Season 5

34 Votes


Le Season 6

36 Votes


LE Season 7

40 Votes


LE Season 8

40 Votes


LE Season 9

36 Votes
