Monday, January 31, 2011
Tyler's Top Trends is No More
I'm not one to hit "rock bottom", but I am afraid that time has come. I was born to be a boss, it's in my blood. I have been known to boss people are and harass them to no return, to get the job done. I wouldn't call it harassment, but I would call it dedication. I have done so much on this site and I have provided a lot. Now, here me out. I never said people have liked the things I have done, the projects I have created - but I created them. To say I have not made my mark on Stardoll, would be stating your own situation. If I haven't by now, neither have you.
I want to clear up a few things by saying that I am furious with numerous people on this site. I have had it. I know secrets and I keep them, but revealing them wouldn't mean shit to me, because it doesn't mean shit to them either. For years I have aimed high. I HAD high hopes for myself on this site, but it really doesn't matter to me anymore because it doesn't matter to you. I am a perfectionist and I seek to be perfect. Whenever I released something new into this god-awful world (Stardoll), I was worried about what people were going to think, how they were going to react, if they even would. As time went on I was given a stereotype. That stereotype was, "the cold-hearted, gay ass, elite wannabe, trainwreck bitch'.
It bothered me so much to watch my hard work go to waste. To see people focusing on me, more than my talents. Why do people hate on other people? It's human nature I suppose. Have you ever heard about those murder stories where the killers are able to kill their victims and feel nothing? It's kind of like that. Internet haters are cold-blooded killers. It's sad to see this site collapse from beneath my feet.
The foundation is caving in, the same time I am. The same time everyone is. Stardoll is over. I know the site is still there, but that's not the Stardoll I am talking about. I'm talking about the Stardoll WE created together. With the parties and the drama, the gossip, the elites, the fame, the popularity, the fun, the talent. will continue to grow and so will we. We're matured.
People just take this blog for granted. I am not sure if they know what they have until it's actually gone. Blogging is not fun anymore because no one wants to give their feedback. Everyone is worried about their image. They are too worried to do something crazy and stand out. But then... Come to think about it, those are the types of people that say that don't care about our world. The ones that say it's just virtual. They care.
It is a virtual site, I will admit to that, but WE created Dollywood. The media likes to bring things up, make it a star - and then tear it right back down. That's what we have started to do. A town that we were once proud of, is dead. We have turned our backs on the single-most important thing in our world which is why it has decided to turn its' back on us. We're letting it, I'm letting it.
I have decided to close this blog down because no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I try and no matter how big this blog will ever become... I will never be satisfied, because you won't be either. I see everything you all say about me. The ones that talk shit about me, read my blog religiously. That's not how things work around here - I am no longer going to give you something to run your mouth about.
If you are a true fan of my blog, you can thank the haters for ruining Stardoll, OUR STARDOLL and this blog. I wanted to thank everyone who has ever contributed to this blog because you have made it something special. You are some wonderful people.
This is not the last of me. But it is the last of you.
Unconditionally Fierce - Pt. 1
(Image above: Fierce Magazine's Spring/Summer, 2010 Cover).
If you are familiar with Stardoll-based magazines, then you are aware of the much-celebrated, always anticipated, virtual, online magazine that is Fierce. Over a short period-of-time, the magazine has gained tons of recognition for being both daring and reader friendly.
Fierce Magazine is maintaining by a bubbly girl named Alice Fare (Hunnigall on Stardoll). We got up close and personal with the Editor-in-Chief herself in a recent candid interview (which will be published in two parts) that you can only see here. During the conversation, Alice reveals the chaos behind what goes into the making of each issue, life in the 'spotlight', what the future may hold, and so much more! Plus, also only here, the new promo photo for the comeback issue is exposed!
TTT: Your magazine has built up a rather large fan base, does knowing that so many people will read the finished product affect the final execution?
Alice (Hunnigall): Sure it does! The most encouraging thing about owning a publication or project of your own is the followers and support you receive. People find happiness and entertainment through reading magazines, and even if they skim the writing and just look at the graphics, I'm happy that I've contributed to someone's day in a positive way :) However, all good things come with a natural balance... I could do without the anonymous critics :D
TTT: Fierce has made a big impact on its' readers and the Stardoll magazine industry alike. How has Fierce impacted you?
Alice (Hunnigall): Fierce has given me more self respect.. I beat myself up about alot of things, and having the readers reassure that, actually, I do have talent is heartwarming. I've also become closer to Emma (my Gummy Bear :D) and all our covergirls and co workers become close friends. Not that I didn't keep up with trends anyway, Fierce does tend to inspire me to look further into fashion and to use my own take on it. I guess, in a way, Fierce taught me to be fierce!
TTT: So Alice, tell us, how do you go about the picking and choosing of what you add in each issue? Such as models and articles?
Alice (Hunnigall): It all happens randomly... At the start of an issue, absolutely NOTHING is organised. Usually there's brainstorming, caffeine and ridiculous amounts of swearing involved in making a fantastic issue of Fierce ;D Models used to be something that I organised competitions or signup sheets for, but now I just take who I like and use them... Often without even telling them! Articles are always decided by the individual writer. I tell all the writers that what they write is entirely up to them, but it must fit in roughly with the theme... And then comes the organisation of the contents - CHAOS!
And there you have it! The first half of a two part interview segment! Be sure to keep a look out for that second half where, like mentioned, the promotional photo for the comeback issue will be made public!
Click here to join TTT's official club, TylersTopTrends!
Tyler's Top Models Launches!
Now that that is out of the way, I would like to introduce a new and innovative project that I myself have put together - whether you care or not, it's now open:
(click) Tyler's Top Models
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Dark + Delicious = Darklicious!
The first spoiler created for Gbbbe2 and Brit-on-me's new brand line, just was released, it being called Darklicious!
Is this the year of Stardoll fashion lines or what?
My overview of the ad is that they are showing something very new to the industry of Stardoll lines, so I can't wait to see what this line will be up with, maybe even Stardoll Fashion Week? But I am hoping with a sneak-peek like that, that this will NOT be a trashy line. It is so easy to cross the line to slutty couture when designing clothes, so hopefully they know that when they made this holey yet edgy dress.
Also! They are looking for models and media partners, so apply today!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tyler's Top Trends Writer Search
To apply for a writing position at Tyler's Top Trends, please fill out the form below.
(Leave nothing blank)
Stardoll Username:
Why do you want to write for TTT?
Write a review on the latest collection of Limited Edition. Limit your review to one paragraph.
Friday, January 28, 2011
HB Released: Faux Fur Hat & February Hot Buys

After all the critics on the last HBs here's one that doesn't make me fell like criticizing a lot. The only problem is the price, I do think 7sd is a bit too much. The hat itself is a creative accessory, that can go really nice if well matched. The real life version is by Giles and if we compare we'll be disppointed with the graphic quality (just like the others), so let's not.
Don't forget to check the real life version on HotBuys Addicted
Red Lips Magazine's First Issue Review
Seriously, is 2011 making everyone into a designer or magazine creator now?
But anyway, I checked out the magazine the other day and the cover-girl is Gillian/Juciimami827, the creator and founder of Stardoll's Official NOH8.
The cons I seem to spot heavily just rest on the graphics, they are very simple, nothing amazing or brilliant, just simple. And the fact that they say they are the first to ever use Stardoll graphics, which is not true in the least, which is a rather annoying thing to announce since ALL magazine use Stardoll for graphics, but I guess they meant to say the whole thing is mainly used only with Stardoll graphics, though you can clearly tell they had other influence else where.
Even though the graphics are lacking in the way they are, the charisma the photo shoots capture make up for its okay designs. I would really complain about is the size of the magazine one the page! I love how they used that website to create a magazine like that, but its way too tiny to read! Which leaves you no option, if you actually, plan to read it, to enlarge it, which I highly doubt people did, most only care for the photos, just like a real life magazine, so it decreases the want to read the articles.
And one last thing is that.. I noticed.. no where did I see a cover-girl or NOH8 interview with Gillian anywhere! Strange..?
The the pros I have to say is that it looks like she actually took time out to make all of this. Which I adore about magazines. I hate it when I see a new issue and it only has a cover-girl pulse interview, two extra articles, and then that's it.. This one took effort to make, and I love how you can tell the hard work the editor did with the added help. And the articles are not that bad to read either. So you should check out the pages of it, its worth it.
Another thing is that it seems like Gillian and Chad/MadWorld are out on a date in the issue! Couple/pair photo shoots are always better appealing to me, even if it is focusing more on one person over the other, so I defiantly enjoy that section of the issue the most!
To check out the magazine for yourself, visit it here!
What's your opinions of the new magazine?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Emily's Thoughts: Fiancee du Vampire

The Defenders Premiere Party
From the production company that brought you Chronicles of Cora,
Legend Productions first ever movie, The Defenders.
Actors include: AislinVictory, Nojarama, BrunoExclusive, Juciimami827, Tapstar321, Fashionngirl, Becki123, Tylerisbold, 4Mariam, iswim19 and Madworld.
Visit Legend Productions for information on The Defenders, Premiere party best dressed list and how to RSVP.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
New Release: Tokyo PopShop
For once I am happy to say that I have almost nothing negative to say about this shop. The Tokyo PopShop is inspired by Tokyo Japan. After a recent visit to Japan over Christmas break, I feel like this shop really embraces the flavor of Japan.
The shops itself has an amazing and sleek layout. It's full of bright colors and funky textures. The items for sale are also vibrant and bold. Some of my favorite things that this shop has to offer is the hanging origami birds, the colorful round lights and the animal inspired dishes. Something that amazes me about this shop is the fact that the prices aren't outrageous. Lately Stardoll has had a bad habit of overpricing. And I am pleased to say that these prices aren't on the verge of outrageous.
Overall, I love this shop and I am hoping that in the future they branch out and expand. What are your opinions on Toyko PopShop?
HB Released: Rio Dress

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Bruno's review of Speechless!

Monday, January 24, 2011
HB Released: Cotton Bag
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tyler's Top Trends Reaches 700 Followers!
Tyler's Top Trends has over 700 followers! For a while now, I thought about what I could do to say thank you to everyone. I love doing the raffles, but there is usually only one winner. Finally, I came to the conclusion that the only way I could "pay" everyone back is to produce amazing articles.
I am now more dedicated to everything I do for and on this blog. I could never let you know how much your support means to me. It energizes me, it is me. I have not been publishing much as of late because I have been focused on my real life, school, and I needed a little break in general - but that is all about to change.
Our new banner will be revealed very soon and once it is made public, so will many, many new things! I have been excited for these announcements for a long time now and I am hoping you will be too. Again, thank you for reading and commenting on the blog and showing your interests in our posts!
Until next time,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Monster Magazine Blows On The Scene
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Are You A Bad Girl?
The brand new and sure to be hit reality show to hit the Dollywood scene, our very own, AislinVictory, presents to us her Stardoll version of the Oxygen Network show, The Bad Girls Club!
I believe this has potential to be another fantastic plan and idea by the lovely Aislin. She tells us that, "Bad Girls Club brings drama to a new level with a cast of young women who are powerfully bold, outrageously funny and endlessly entertaining."
If you would like to apply to be on the show, then go to the club home page, here, and apply today!
Re-Introducing: Fashion Face-Off!
Now it has gone through a few tweaks and changes, so bare with me and this post about the new changes/rules.
- All people who will be featured on it must be a follower of the blog and must apply to be featured. Meaning I will not just go around and pick random people anymore. Because of another change that was made.
- That change being, if you win FFO more than three times in a row, Tyler will offer you 100 stardollars! And so, I would rather give it to a person who cares more for the blog rather than a random member.
- And third, I will try and make a new post every 4 days, so if your outfit hasn't changed by then, then I will not feature your me-doll.
- Be a follower of the blog.
- Votes take place in the comments! Please don't ask people for votes.
- Be your fashionable self!
- And please, sign your username in the comments bellow!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
HB Released: Feather Earrings & Bow Sweater

Hi everyone, I'm finally back posting my reviews about the latest released HotBuys. This month will be tough since Stardoll got a little lazy when they made each HB. Anyway, I really like the earrings, inspired by Topshop, they are one of the few well made january's HBs (maybe the only ones). I even prefer the colors that Stardoll made than the real life color. The sweater isn't my favourite, I think it's not trendy, it's not well made, the color isn't the best to match and the bows aren't well located. I couldn't even find the real life version of it. I do think some stardollians will be creative enough to wear it well but I don't think it will be me.
Tyler's Trendiest Competition Winner!
Lets get right to it, shall we?
The winner of 250 Stardollars is...
I have to apologize for the size of the image. I deleted the individual print screen and had to improvise. This competition was a little bit unorganized, but I promise - it will not happen again. Lets move that aside though, this girl needs some congratulating!
Monday, January 17, 2011
New Release: 90 Million Members
First of all, I want to say congratulations to Stardoll for reaching 90 million members. That is quite a milestone. Now onto the window they have released in honor of this achievement.
The first thing I would like to complain about is the fact that there are a couple of things, the most important things in this window are for Superstar only and that really annoys me. I believe that when Stardoll celebrates something like this, the items should be available to all members. Because it is not just Superstars that make up Stardoll and contribute to the growing numbers.
As for the pieces themselves, the dresses are mediocre. Nothing I was too excited to see as far as clothing is concerned. The other trinkets scattered throughout the window are alright as well. I'm not quite sure of their purpose, therefore, I will not be purchasing them. One thing that really caught my eye was the cat clock. I'm sure you've all seen them in real life before. They are normally black. I have actually been searching for this clock everywhere, and seeing Stardoll release it makes me extremely happy. So even if all of the other pieces don't do it for me, this clock has made my day.
What do you think of Stardoll's 90 Million Members window? Do you think they could have done better? What will you be purchasing....if anything?
Launch My Line
Extremely successful blog, Stardoll's Most Wanted, has set afloat an intriguing competition titled, 'Launch My Line' that might help to get many of you aspiring designers on 'the map'. In fact, the winner of the competition is promised instant fame, 600 Stardollars and tons more.
To sum it up quickly, if you are a Star Design extraordinaire and you are looking to show your talents, create a Spring/Summer Collection with a minimum of 4 pieces. We understand that just 4 pieces is not necessarily a complete collection, but if you win - it will be.
Behind-the-scenes, 10 designers will picked to have their lines showcased during a fashion show that is set to take place on Sunday, February 13, 2010. From there, the audience (or readers) will choose the winner.
This is the next big thing, trust us.
We will keep you updated throughout the process and we urge you to enter this competition for your own good. Not to mention, good luck to everyone that enters from Tyler's Top Trends!
Click here to join the rat race!
Will you be entering?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Distinct Magazine Promoting Cancer?
A simple favor from the staff of Tyler's Top Trends. Define Distinct. When the word distinct is brought to mind you think different in nature or quality. Something not like that of its' kind. In terms of magazines, Distinct Magazine definitely holds true to its' name. But not for reasons you would think.
The promotional photo of a Medoll with a cigarette laced through her fingers, released by Distinct Magazine provides a more distinct image than they may have bargained for. Distinct in what way you ask? Imagine an elderly man in a wheelchair, talking through a hole in his throat. A hole that wouldn't be there if it weren't for a lifetime of smoking cigarettes. Most importantly, imagine a cancer patient dying in a hospital somewhere due to an addiction to nicotine found in cigarrettes.
Do we have a right to accuse Distinct Magazine and its' founders of promoting cancer? Of course we do. Do we believe this promotion was intentional? No. Lastly, do we believe that this unintentional promotion of the number one leading cause of cancer can be righted? We certainly do. And though we would never want to interfere with a creation not that of our own, I'm sure Distinct Magazine would not want to interfere with the health of its' future readers.
Admire Couture Underwhelms
When we announced earlier this month that a certain house of 'designer' clothing was going to be made public on this day, we did not quite assume that so much could go wrong.
Admire Couture is that brand. To start things off, we noticed that many people absentmindedly forgot to come to the release party. And, without hesitation, the collection was revealed instantly when I arrived to the guestbook of MissDancer853. Mind you, I was the representative for Tyler's Top Trends and I checked into the party the moment it began.
Like any other attendee, I gathered up the little excitement I had leftover and went to view the collection for myself. I immediately stopped in my tracks when the page loaded. Carelessly, I asked myself, "Who are these young girls designing for?". I know it was not their mothers.
Feeling letdown when the clothing was exposed early, it was hard for me to view the crowd of clothing with an open mind. That is just how the world of fashion works. This was not Admire Couture's debut collection, which is why I am being so critical towards them.
The graphics have improved tremendously and everyone should acknowledge that. What we should not praise is the exposing dresses that are featured throughout the show. Many of the pieces look like a Kim Kardashian clubbing getup (sorry Kim!), rather than a must-have couture garment. Plus, what was futuristic about the attire?
The accessories line was nothing special, but there was zilch to complain about, however. We might as well give them the benefit of the doubt.
We could not help, but to wonder what other people might think about this collection, so Dei asked a couple of random Stardoll citizens the following question:
- Hello, I'm reporting for Tyler's Top Trends about the new Admire Couture collection, and I would like to ask, what's your opinion of the brand?
To which they answered:
- Blahm3 - I really like the clutches the most, they look more professional than the actual clothing.
- Ciaraleanne - D:
- AbiiBabeh..x - I think the collection was OK as a whole but some individual pieces excelled. My favourite outfit was the Grey dress with studded neckline and cuffs. I liked it as it was simple, yet daring. I also particularly liked the collection of purses and the variety of colour in them. But, well I thought the purple one was TOO tight.
Clikc here to view the rest of the collection yourself!
What are you thoughts on the line?
600 Followers Raffle! Win 600 Stardollars!
I want to keep this short and sweet. Thank you so much for supporting and believing in my blog, it means so much to me. I cannot believe we have reached 600 followers! Tyler's Top Army unite!
If you are already a follower, you can join this raffle. If you are not a follower, once becoming one, you may join in on the raffle. Nevertheless, you must be a follower to participate in this raffle!
The deadline: Saturday, January 22, 2011
Yes, it is true - we are giving 600 Stardollars away to the winner of this raffle. To enter you must answer the following question in a comment below. Be sure to leave your user name!
- What does the word 'trendy' mean to you?
Good luck!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tyler's Trendiest Competition Finalists!
Now, on to the actual post itself. If you worship this blog religiously, then you know that we hosted a competition not too long ago. For the competition, we gave you a word (in this case the word was sharp), and if you entered you had to create an outfit that best defined it.
We got a subtle amount of entries and many different looks. Some of them were actually sharp and dangerous, some handsome and abrupt. But whatever the case (or look), we choose 3 finalists to compete against each other, leaving you to decide the winner.
Lets review the prize: 250 Stardollars!
And the finalists are...
(From left to right): Zoe_COUTURE, liajm, and DesignerSecrets (your image was too large so your head had to be cut, sorry!)
The poll is just below, like stated, choose your favorite outfit and place your vote depending on who created it. The results will be announced within the next few days!
Good luck!
Friday, January 14, 2011
New Release: Antidote
Yesterday, the new Antidote was released and like many times before, I was not upset that I was financially unable to pay for the new Antidote. Always having been a person who wasn't a fan of Antidote, I am able to give credit where it is due. However, this new collection doesn't appear to be deserving. Nevertheless, there are a few pieces that interested me. The first being the Tibet Tee. Like the many over sized shirts before it, the Tibet Tee can be worn many ways. Which is why I love it so much. Some other things that caught my eye were the Directional Stripe Dress, the solid black, one shoulder dress on the third floor and the purple, one shoulder dress, also on the third floor.
Overall, I would give this store a two out of five. Simply for the fact that it seems Antidote is showing us the same pieces, the same shapes and the same style, dressed up differently. For the next season, I would like to see Antidote break away from that and give us something new and exciting.
Valentine's Day is lurking in the air?

Thursday, January 13, 2011
The staff and I will be organizing something to thank you all soon!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Will your Dolly Wear..Dolly Wear?
Dolly Wear is an accessory line presented by Ashantiboo, she claims that it's the next major fashion line, I'm all for confidence (most likely because I lack a noticeable amount of it) however there's a fine line after which lies the land cockiness now I don't want to make a huge commotion out of it but shouldn't the line release before it can be called the next major fashion line? By the looks of things Ashantiboo is convinced her line's remarkable so I'm pretty excited to see if she lives up to what she says!

The spoiler looks promising, her logo's unique as well but I thought this was an accessory line? Where are the accessories? The spoiler looks like she's got a make-up range not an accessories line nevertheless the spoiler deserves an A for effort. The teal won me over as it's one of my favourite colours however next time I make a spoiler of a line I'd actually feature my product in it instead.
UPDATE: Ashantiboo sent me the official spoiler and the line is in fact a clothing line as well that's the last time I'll rely on something I read on EliteFashion...
**Please don't take anything I say personally
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Classique Awards Best Dressed List
I did think about creating both a best and worst dressed list, but since I noticed the hard work put into each outfit - I figured, hey, lets give them all a break. After all, I do get harsh sometimes. Here's the deal... I picked some outfits that I found to be interesting and had both Dei and I comment on them. Now, whether we state that the outfit was good or not in our comments, is simply that. It does not mean you're on any list. Everyone is on the "Best Dressed" list today. I hope that makes sense.
(Above - AislinVictory)
Dei: I won't lie, I helped dress half of this outfit.. But anywho! This outfit strongly reminds me of the new age type of 1940's pin up girl! With the sleeve tattoos and corset and slim fitted top. I love it! Though I am not a fan of sleeve tattoos for a formal, but she rocked it.
Tyler: I agree with you, Dei! I however, have to say that I think black-and-white tattoos can be very glamorous, depending on the position and placement. This outfit had the right amount of everything.
(Above - Alice2078)
Dei: I love the dress, polka dots are so cute and retro!And the gloves and pearls are lovely. The giant random pearl is very odd to me.. But the biggest thing for me are that the shoes kill me! They make me not like this outfit.
Tyler: Oh, dear. I am not sure how to explain this outfit to myself, let alone you all. The pearl is a little distracting, you're right, Dei. I just feel like this whole outfit is too chunky - if that makes sense. There is too much going on. It could of been easily very classic.
(Above - Blahm3)
Dei: The outfit itself, love. Reminds me strongly of the 80's and Lady Gaga. But.. she always dresses like this.. So I don't enjoy this one that much at all. Besides that, she has no pants on!
Tyler: You took the words right out of my mouth, Dei. I mean, how should I say this... I love the outfit, I really do - but there was a dress code people! Nice shoes, though!
(Above - Juciimami827)
Dei: I also helped Gillian on this outfit partly too.. But anyway.. I do love the combination layers, without the hat, I would guess this is a 80's or 90's couture outfit, but with, I am confused on the outfit's time period.
Tyler: Gillian was one of the big winners tonight, going home with the "Ground-Breaking Project" Award and she was certainly dressed like a winner. I like how her dress has some shiny texture to it, it reminds me of sequins which can be very glamorous. If it was me, I would of lost the hat.
(Above - clubklo)
Dei: At first glance, I love the outfit! But then analyzing it, I notice that its too much to me. The lace leggings with knee socks deff turn me off from this. And the shoes are too loud for the outfit in my eyes. And really, shorts to a formal?
Tyler: Yeah, shorts? The shoes are off, even the glasses. This could of been a great look! There is not much to say about this look.
(Above - Conii987)
Dei: - Cute, simple, and sweet, but way too plain! And the lipstick is.. just odd. I've never been the fan of that color on her or on anyone, so..
Tyler: It is too simple, it's true. But when I thought about it, there is not much you could add without over-doing it. Skinny belts are really trendy right now. I would of chosen a nude lipstick.
(Above - Findurlove)
Dei: Hands down, one of the best outfits of the night. Though she isn't THAT formal, she is just THAT fabulous!
Tyler: I am going to have to say that this was my favorite look of the night. It is not as formal as it could have been, but it has that vintage feel to it. I love the way this look was accessorized, perfectly. Maggie was also a winner, she won, "Biggest Sweet-heart"!
(Above - gabby1822)
Dei: I will admit, I am not a big fan of her make-up. But I am in LOVE with her outfit! Its very simple, but very elegant. Perfectly infusing 1920's glamor in a look to me.
Tyler: Her outfit is very elegant, yes. I am not a fan of the clutch or the necklaces. I do not like the makeup, either. Other than that, this outfit was nice.
(Above - larsa_gurl)
Dei: Its not the worst of the night but it is one of them to me. I am sorry, she is a very sweet girl from what I see, but the outfit just plain 'no' for me. The ankle boots and fur trimmed jacket don't match at all. The skirt is too bright to be as short as it is. And really, the fedora only makes it worst.
Tyler: Uh, no comment...
(Above - MissDancer853)
Dei: The black dress alone is very gorgeous, but with the added DKNY ruffle skirt, it turns into a frumpy assemble. I am also NOT a fan of the shoes at all. New in Alaskan high fashion much?
Tyler: I love this dress. And I love the shoes, too. They just do not go well together.
(Above - Pirata111)
Dei: I have a love/hate with this outfit. Its too much in my opinion, the headpiece doesn't flow well with the vintage dress and platform spiked shoes.. And the dress isn't very flattering for her since at first glance, I thought she had a baby bump. But, I don't really know her too well to judge her, but... is it me or doesn't her me-doll look just like Egle's(vampire_)?
Tyler: Again, to be honest, I like this outfit. It is not traditional glamour and I like that. It might not fit the theme as well as it could - but it's modern and unique.
(Above - Syligirl)
Dei: If anything, I don't know if she was aiming for it or not, but this makes me think 70's glamor instantly! The platforms with the loose yet stylish dress is a winner for me.
Tyler: Perfection.
(Above - Nojarama)
Dei: What can I say, I love black, and I love daring outfits, so I love this one. The pants and boots make me think 80's/90's punk. The shirt and chandelier make me think classic vampire. But he does make purple hair look rather lovely.
Tyler: Chace, did you get the memo? Ha-ha, just kidding - buddy!
(Above - Zoe_COUTURE)
Dei: Flawless layering. Very chic and vintage looking dress. Not a big fan of that bag though.
Tyler: It is amazing how much we agree on fashion and style, Dei. I am going to have to say that the bag throws it off. A clutch would of made this outfit classier.
(Above - N1mka4eva)
Dei: The girl can wear anything and people love it, its just who she is. Really, I love how she got creative with the acorns! Thats what wins me with this outfit, but other than that, she was not dressed for occasion at all, she just came as she was.
Tyler: Before the ceremony began, Charlotte asked me if acorns were glamorous, I replied, "they can be". This girl has been through so much in such a short period of time and I find her to be one fascinating human being. She is free to wear whatever she wants.
(Above - noelle_page)
We got the notification that Noelle wanted to be on the list once we had already written out the comments, so with that being said, Noelle you looked amazing. It was your night. Noelle was wearing a design by Allison_Arg!
And that concludes the looks from The Classique Awards Winter, 2011 ceremony!
How Big is Your Ego?
Obviously the magazine will be called, "EGO" and listen to us when we say that this teaser is complete perfection. We have been told that the Covergirl is in the photo, but will continue to remain anonymous until the big unveil which is still unknown. This is just what Stardoll needs. It may be a little soon, but we see big things in store for this magazine.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Classique Awards Live Coverage!
The Classique Awards, for those of you who are wondering, are a mixture of glamour and importance! Being that this is the 1st Annual ceremony - everything must go extremely right. It is an often hard job to accomplish the first time around, and as our beloved virtual world continues to grow, one wrong move can spark a dreadful or disastrous night. We, however, are wishing for the complete opposite. Whatever the case may be, the pressure is on for the staff and, we will be keeping an eye on absolutely every little thing.
* The fashion from The Classique Awards will be published in a separate post, if you are looking to be featured in the list of "Best and Worst Dressed", leave a comment on THIS post. If you do not leave comment, we will not be viewing your outfit.
8:10 PM, GMT - The Red Carpet will be starting in about 35 minutes in the guestbook of Stardoll account, TheClassique!
8:45 PM, GMT - It was off to a sharp start for the Red Carpet arrival. Everything seems to be going smoothly as a few of the nominees and onlookers are appearing in style!
9:00 PM, GMT - The Red Carpet has been extended for another 25 minutes due to technical problems. This worries us. Big time.
9:30 PM, GMT - Like expected, 30 minutes later (a couple of minutes late), everyone is logging into Skype where the actual ceremony is set to take place. We suppose the wait will be worth it, everyone seemed to enjoy the conversation topics on the carpet - anyways.
Let the awards begin!
9:33 PM, GMT - Everyone has finally been seated and the lights have dimmed. Despite the difficulties, everything is finally going quite well.
9:47 PM, GMT - The first award, "Haute Couture Female" has been given and the winner is, .pease.! Congratulations!
"Well, I'm So Insanely Grateful And Happy For The Award. It Means So Much To Me, And I'm Really Flattered. Wow, I Can Barely Think Clear Now, But I'm So Happy!" - .pease.
9:52 PM, GMT - We are on to the second award of the night which is for, "Haute Couture Male". The winner is, nojarama. Congratulations are in order!
"I just HAVE to thank all the people (who are most likely high) who’ve voted for me! I must say I was flabbergasted, but yeah I’m not too good on accepting awards as this is only my second one but I’m truly flattered and glad to see people get my virtual style." - nojarama
9:59 PM, GMT - Everything is moving along very fast. "Most Stunning MeDoll" went to Zoe_COUTURE. Way to go!
"Before I say anything, I would like to thank EVERYONE who voted. It means so much to be rewarded for something that I just love to create. This is the very first award I have ever won on Stardoll, so you can image how much it means (a lot!) I am sure to remember this for the rest of my virtual life so thank you all who helped make this happen!" - Zoe_COUTURE
10:05 PM, GMT - "Most Risque" went to N1mka4eva! Wonderful.
10:11 PM, GMT - Hunnigall took home the award for, "Most Envious Of"! (I, Tyler) am so proud of you, Alice!
10:12 PM, GMT - Break time! Everyone has been given the time to take a restroom break or just chat about the latest wins!
10:22 PM, GMT - writemarycat has won the award for, "Biggest Diva" Well deserved. Next we have 'Most Alluring Female and Male".
Random note, people are being very disrespectful during the ceremony!
10:29 PM, GMT - The award for, "Most Alluring Female" went to bluegreen86! Being a well-known model sure pays off!
Everyone seems to making a big deal out of Melanie's win...
10:32 PM, GMT - The award for, "Most Alluring Female" was taken away from bluegreen86 for asking for votes. The new winner is .pease.
People have begun to complain about the whole Mel situation.
10:39 PM, GMT - "Most Alluring Male' went to MadWorld!
Everyone is now free to talk for about 5 minutes or so.
10:53 PM, GMT - Stardoll's Official NOH8 has won the award for, "Ground-Breaking Project". We could not agree on this win more.
"I am SO Happy! This Is my First Award Ever! NOH8 is dear to my heart and I want to thank AislinVictory and Tapstar321, To_Royal My Stylist, and Noelle_Page my second in command!! I am so Thankful!!" - JuciiMami 827
11:00 PM, GMT - Miss_LolitaF has won, "Biggest Fighter".
11:03 PM, GMT - "Best Designer" went to, Hunnigall! No one else had a chance. You have come so far, Alice. Everyone loves you!
11:07 PM, GMT - Findurlove is Stardoll's, "Biggest Sweetheart"!
11:15 PM, GMT - The, "Best Entrepreneur" Award went to writemarycat with Psychotic-Freak for Stardoll Fashion Week! We do not see how these two could not of won! Congratulations!
Lastly, the biggest award of the night, "Biggest Achiever"!
11:23 PM, GMT - Deserving, noelle_page went home with the award! Lovely. Everybody looks up to you, Noelle!
"More than three years ago, Isabella introduced me to this Virtual dress up site. Ever since then, this became lifeline to me. I am just fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful people in real life and in here as well. Id like to thank the following:To ElitesExposed who kept me grounded when i came backto editorialized (kylie) for making me discover that long lost love for blogging to my MDM family who kept me sane and kept me company on those sleepless insomniac nights to Style_Magazine and Writemarycat, to Charlotte, to Tyler...and to Dei.... for coming up with this awesome evern. :)"
All of the awards have been announced and we are feeling great about The Classique Award's future. We cannot believe that even though there was a few technical difficulties, everything went so smoothly. Dei (To_Royal) is the real winner tonight. Congratulations are in order!
Charlotte Comes Clean
Well known Stardoll style icon, N1mka4eva (otherwise known as Charlotte and my dear friend) has published an intriguring and heartbreaking article on illustrious blog, Perez Hilton Of Stardoll (Stardoll's Most Hated Website).
In the post, she rants about everything Stardoll related and what she really thinks of the site and the people on it. We feel for you, Charlotte.
Click here to read the whole article yourself.
Heart Ache
At first we thought nothing of it, but when we did a little research we came across something curiously interesting. Britney Spears will be premiering her new single next Tuesday titled, "Hold It Against Me", however, a demo of the song was sadly leaked. In the track you can hear the lyrics, "If I feel my heart was beating loud".
Could Style be a secret admirer of Britney herself or is this all just a misunderstanding? Would you mind filling us in, Style?
Style has come forward saying:
Who knew?